PO Box 3782
Nantucket, MA






                                                            "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention                                                                estimate that 300,000 people are diagnosed with                                                                Lyme disease in the U.S. every year. That's 1.5                                                                    times the number of women diagnosed with
                                                            breast cancer, and six times the number of                                                                          people with HIV/AIDS each year in the U.S.                                                                        However, because diagnosing Lyme can be                                                                          difficult, many people who actually have Lyme                                                                    may be misdiagnosed with other conditions. Many                                                              experts believe the true number of cases is much                                                                higher."

 Lyme is endemic to Nantucket Island. As a practitioner, I specialize in educating and   offering holistic assistance around this virulent syndrome.

 Working through tick/insect born illness programs can be a challenge to say the very   least. Any Lyme literate practitioner will tell you there is no quick fix. It takes a multi-   tiered approach along with an abundance of lifestyle changes that will challenge you   every step of the way. Tick/insect born diseases are persistent, tenacious and smart.   So we must be the same.

 Most people do not realize that when we get bit by a tick we are not just dealing with   Lyme. We are dealing with a host of other co-infections like Babesia, Bartonella and   Mycoplamsa. Not to mention parasite eggs. Most people get infected with multiple   organisms. It is very rare to be infected with only one. And if you have been diagnosed   with only one, I would question the testing methods. The current tests are exteremely   inefficient and inconsistent. This is one of the main reasons there are so many people   who have been misdiagnosed and are going untreated. Finding yourself a Lyme literate   practitioner is the key.
 Below are some important links to key resources for further information concerning   Lyme and the Co-Infections